Girls outperform boys at school, yet still shy away from STEM

10 January 2020

In recent years there has been much focus on the gender differences seen in academic results, university enrolments and career pathways. There are numerous research studies that show unequivocally that students in single-sex schools benefit academically from a learning environment free from gender stereotyping, unconscious bias and social pressure.

So why, if girls are outperforming boys at school and taking up 58 per cent of university places, do we still see a lack of women represented in senior leadership positions, on boards, as CEOs and in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers?

A study released by the Australian Gender Equality Council, headed by UQ Business School researcher Dr Terrance Fitzsimmons may have the answer. It found that girls educated in single-sex schools are equally as self-confident as boys educated at single-sex schools. The Hands up for Gender Equality report revealed that self-confidence in students from single-sex schools was "gender neutral".

Read more in The Sydney Morning Herald which discusses Dr Fitzsimmons research looks into confidence from school to the workplace. 

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